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Resident Voice

The Resident Voice Index™ has just launched its second survey, titled ‘Community Support & Life after Lockdown’ and we would love you to take part.

Posted by: | 17th December 2021

The Resident Voice Index™ has just launched its second survey, titled ‘Community Support & Life after Lockdown’ and we would love you to take part. The project seeks to collect information from social housing residents, like you, on what could be done to improve their homes, communities, wellbeing, and prospects.

The first survey, which took place earlier this year received the input of almost 4,000 UK social housing residents, providing valued information and perceptions about the neighbourhoods and communities they live in. The full report and other content, such as Index Insights and Podcasts are available on the Resident Voice Index™ website.     

Have your say in the second survey 

We are pleased to extend our support to this project by inviting you to take part in the research. The survey explores your community support experiences, life after lockdown and your outlook for the future. 

It’s completely anonymous and will never be traced back to you but the overall findings of the survey will be published on the Resident Voice Index™ website and will also be presented to housing providers and policy makers so that they can make changes to help improve the lives of social housing residents.  

 If you could find around 5 minutes to complete this survey, we would be very grateful.  https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/7HHCQYD

You can find out more about the Resident Voice Index™ here. 

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