Our Tenant Satisfaction Measures

Learn more about our latest customer satisfaction and health & safety performance by visiting our TSM page here.

Website Accessibility

We have created this website in accordance with certain web standards and government guidelines. Find out more here.

Website Accessibility

Orwell aims to make this website accessible to all visitors and is viewable in the widest possible range of web-browsing technology. To achieve this goal, the website was created in accordance with certain web standards and government guidelines.

Each individual page within the website is checked to meet accessibility standards which are set out by W3C and other accessibility guidance. We also host a Reachdeck accessibility tool available on every page to help with many accessibility needs including large print, text to speech and much more. If you need information in any other form not provided here, please email our Communications team at comms@orwell-housing.co.uk or by calling 0345 60 100 30.

The website was last reviewed April 2023.

Full details of the standards can been found at http://www.w3.org

If you experience any problems when using the Orwell website or would like to suggest some improvements that could be made, please contact our Communications Team. Our team can be contacted by emailing comms@orwell-housing.co.uk or by calling 0345 60 100 30.

Please note that we hold no responsibility for any information linked from this website which is held externally by a 3rd party company. We will always aim to share correct and helpful information but we can't be held responsible for content not created on our website.

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