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Local housing association delivers new homes for families this Christmas

Posted by: | 16th December 2020
Development Under Construction Main

Spending time at home has taken on a whole new meaning this year, as we’ve had to comply with lockdown restrictions not once but twice, and it has never been more important for people to have the security of a home.  Orwell Housing Association has continued with its development plan throughout 2020 to deliver affordable rented and shared ownership homes in Suffolk and North Essex.

Since the beginning of lockdown in March, Orwell has completed 53 homes, with construction starting on another 36 homes which are due to complete in 2021.   The keys to many of these completed homes have been handed over in December giving many people and families an ideal end to the year.

As Christmas approaches people naturally want to enjoy the sanctuary of a home of their own, often a place to invite family and friends and share in the celebrations.  This year may not be quite the same as usual, but for many local families, getting their own home will make it a truly memorable and special Christmas.

Building a house is not about bricks and mortar, it’s about building communities, giving people a home, security and a future. 

Gregg Dodds, Assistant Director of Development and Growth for Orwell said: “We aim to help create and build communities, giving individuals and families that sense of pride in owning their own home and a place for families to grow and thrive.

This year we have had to work under the new restrictions due to Coronavirus making completion of developments a challenge, but knowing how crucial it is to deliver more affordable homes for local people, especially at this time of year has been really motivating.   Handing over the keys for a new home is always hugely rewarding for the whole team involved.”

Find out more about our recently completed developments and those currently under construction.



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