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Colleagues honoured with long service awards

Orwell Housing Association, this week, has held Long Service Awards to honour 75 colleagues who have spent 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 35 and even 45 years in service for the organisation.

As a token of the organisation’s appreciation, colleagues were presented with a letter and gift by the CEO, Wendy Evans-Hendrick. Some congratulatory words from each person’s manager were read out to the audience. 

Reflecting on the evening, Wendy Evans-Hendrick, CEO of Orwell Housing Association, said

“Tonight, we honoured and recognised colleagues who have been with us for periods of 5 all the way up to 45 years - 18 people had over 15 years’ service – what a testament to their commitment to Orwell and our customers’ and what an extraordinary achievement”.

“Orwell Housing Association was formed in 1963, employing no people and managing only a handful of properties. Today, Orwell provides a range of services including housing and care and support services. We employ around 700 people whilst managing approximately 4,000 homes for 7500+ customers. Throughout these changes our organisation has always been about supporting the communities in which we live and work. Everyone here has a part to play, and our continued success is all down to our people – including our longest serving members – and I cannot thank them enough”.

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