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New Domestic Abuse Support Service Launches for Norfolk

People in Norfolk who are at medium or high risk of serious harm from domestic abuse will be able to access a new, improved service from 3rd January 2022, to support their journey to freedom.

Norfolk Integrated Domestic Abuse Service (NIDAS) will offer free, confidential, and non-judgemental support to those affected, and their children, to help them escape and recover from abuse.

The new service is funded by the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner for Norfolk, Norfolk County Council, Norwich City Council, South Norfolk and Broadland District Councils, with £6.6million being invested in the service over the next five years.

It will be delivered in partnership by Leeway Domestic Violence and Abuse Services, Daisy Programme, Orwell Housing, Pandora Project, and Safe Partnership.

NIDAS will work to support victims and their children across the county, ensuring everyone has access to a full range of help and guidance regardless of where they live.

This service will be the first system of its kind in the county, offering a fully integrated service making intensive one-to-one support, a multi-agency response and help towards practical solutions available.

The support will include specialist advisors to help those currently experiencing abuse, recovery programmes for adults and children and a sanctuary scheme that will provide security upgrades and ‘safe rooms’ for those deemed to be at high risk.

The service will also offer dedicated support for Children and Young People, coordinated multi-agency support, court support, a Domestic Abuse Champion network, and training for professionals, across Norfolk.

NIDAS’ trauma-informed, person-centred, skilled staff can support those at risk of harm to get to safety and will develop a personalised action plan with everyone they work with, to help people to move on from abuse with increased confidence and well-being.

The service will be operational seven days per week, between 9am and 6:30pm on weekdays, and between 9am and 3pm on weekends.

For more information on how NIDAS can help you, or someone you know, visit nidasnorfolk.co.uk. Alternatively, you can contact NIDAs in the following ways:

All services above will be live from 3rd January 2022.

If in immediate danger, always call 999.

Mandy Proctor, Chief Executive of Leeway, said: “We are delighted to be involved in this exciting new service, which will work to ensure that everyone in Norfolk experiencing domestic abuse receives support, regardless of where they live. We look forward to working in partnership to deliver this service, providing the best possible support for those experiencing domestic abuse in Norfolk.”

Rowan Procter, Director of Care & Support for Orwell Housing Association, said: “We are committed to creating communities where domestic abuse is not tolerated and where people can live safely. Working together, we aim to empower and support people to rebuild their lives, free from abuse.

This exciting partnership fits well with our strong company values, putting people at the heart of everything we do, and we are incredibly proud to be a part of it."

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