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Orwell joins the call to improve the customer experience for disabled people

Purple Tuesday is an international call to action focused on improving the customer experience for disabled people.

Posted by: Rosie Porter | 2nd November 2020
Sign Language Purple

Orwell Housing Association is giving a thumbs up for Purple Tuesday on 3 November, to show its support to the common goal of improving the customer experience for disabled people 365 days a year.

The Suffolk based organisation provides housing, care and support to around 7000 local people.  Their services providing housing for people with learning disabilities offer personalised support to enable individuals to achieve their goals.

Support can include things such as offering specially designed and adapted accommodation, activities that support people to learn new skills and enjoy new experiences, while promoting independence and good health.

Rowan Procter, Orwell Housing’s Director of Care and Support said: “Purple Tuesday is an initiative that resonates strongly with us, as we strive daily to provide the best support and care for people with disabilities.  Very often these can be hidden disabilities and we aim to offer inclusive services, to help people get the best out of life.”

Orwell is also a Disability Confident employer, which means it is committed to attracting, recruiting and supporting disabled employees, including those with long term health conditions.  Orwell signed up to the government accredited scheme to demonstrate its support for equality, diversity, and inclusion alongside a commitment to ensuring fair treatment and equal access to our services, information, and employment.

Orwell will be celebrating Purple Tuesday to raise awareness and pledge support to continually improve services to customers, and opportunities to employees, and prospective employees.

For more information on how to join in and pledge support, visit




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