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Orwell Staff Donate Wellbeing Gifts to Local Businesses Tree Council and East Anglian Air Ambulance

Posted by: | 8th March 2022
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Orwell colleagues have generously re-gifted a company wellbeing gift to local charities, supporting their local community and providing much needed support.

Orwell Housing Association recently gave team members a small gift to support their wellbeing after a challenging few years. Recipients were able to choose between several options like a garden centre token, cook at home boxes or they were able to donate their gift to a local charity.  So many people chose to donate to charity that together they raised a total of £775.00.

The money has been donated to the Tree Council and East Anglian Air Ambulance and will help both charities provide much needed services to the local area. The Tree Council will be able to use the money to provide resources for their 6,000 volunteers and the East Anglian Air Ambulance will be able to keep their services going and continue to save lives.

The Tree Council received £100 from staff donations which they were extremely happy about. Cat Gransden, Development Manager at The Tree Council, said:

"I am writing to thank you personally your generous donation of £100 to help the work of The Tree Council. We appreciate your support enormously – as do our 6,000 fantastic volunteer Tree Wardens and young Tree Champions, who help us plant and care for trees and hedgerows across the UK."

The East Anglian Air Ambulance welcomed the generous donation of £675.00. A representative of the East Anglian Air Ambulance replied:

"Thank you for making a donation of £675.00 to East Anglian Air Ambulance! Every penny donated goes towards helping us to save lives 24 hours a day, seven days a week. With the help of supporters, we have been able to attend over 28,000 life-threatening incidents. As with most charities, we receive no regular government funding and rely on the community we serve to keep us flying."

A lot of charities find volunteering and charitable donations are extremely important to keep their services running. Orwell is proud to stand up and help local businesses and these generous donations will help those who really need it.

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