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Orwell supports 2020 White Ribbon Campaign

This year Orwell Housing Association will be supporting the 16 day long campaign to raise awareness of male violence against women.

Posted by: | 24th November 2020
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25 November 2020 marks the start of the White Ribbon Campaign, with 16 days of awareness raising activities and messages to encourage people to speak out and say no to male violence against women.

White Ribbon is the leading charity engaging with men and boys to make a stand against violence and abuse.  Each year, individuals and organisations are called upon to fulfil the White Ribbon promise – to never commit, excuse or remain silent about male violence or abuse against women.

As a provider of temporary safe housing and support for women and their children affected by domestic violence and abuse, Orwell will be joining other local organisations to support this years White Ribbon campaign. In the last 12 months alone Orwell has supported 66 women and their children within our domestic abuse refuge services offering safe accommodation with support, and a further 220 clients within our community based domestic abuse services. 

Alison Thorpe, Head of Service for Temporary Supported Housing at Orwell said: “The reality of domestic abuse has been highlighted during the Covid outbreak and for Orwell, we have seen an increase in the severity of cases of domestic abuse during this time.  There is never an excuse for violence or abuse against women, and while we recognise that this is also an issue for men who suffer abuse, White Ribbon day is a chance to engage with people on a wider basis, and encourage everyone not to turn a blind eye if they think that someone is unsafe or experiencing abuse.”

This year’s White Ribbon campaign aims to change attitudes and behaviour to end violence and abuse against women.  If you are felling unsafe within your relationship or are affected by domestic abuse and need support, call the Suffolk 24-hour Freephone Helpline 0800 977 5690, or if you want help to stop your own abusive behaviour, contact The Respect Phoneline 0808 802 4040.

Further details on the national campaign can be found at www.whiteribbon.org.uk, and find out more about how Orwell supports those leaving abusive relationships.


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