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This week at Orwell - 7th July 2023

Friday 7th July 2023

Hi there and welcome to This Week at Orwell. Here is a recap of news stories around the Orwell community this last week.

Suffolk Pride Fringe Festival | Geek Retreat

The Suffolk Pride Fringe continues this weekend and this time at Geek Retreat in Ipswich. On Sunday 9th July you'll find events throughout the day including Drag Story Time, Queer Author Hour & a Creatively Queer Panel event too.

Click here for more info >>

Orwell Gardening Competition 2023

A reminder that our Gardening competition is back for 2023 and is now live!
To recap, we have different categories, so whether your garden is a balcony with a few plants and foliage or a small or large garden, it’s perfect for anyone to enter.

Click here for more info >>

Would you like to join the Orwell Resident's Group (ORG)?

Here at Orwell we really value input from our customers which comes in many forms from the return of surveys, feedback on our social media posts to suggestions of how we can make services better. One of our key groups that support us to ensure we have our customers views at heart is the ORG we would love to invite new members to join. If you are interested and would like to learn more please contact the Customer Engagement team.

Click here for more info >>

Orwell Customer Services Team

We currently have a reduced customer service team on the phones at present and so just to remind you that you can also get in touch with us in a number of ways, including our fantastic new Orwell App.
Also the team have asked me to say that if you ever need your Payment reference / Rent account reference for the account, for use on the App etc, you can always email the team at info@orwell-housing.co.uk

Click here for more info >>

Feedback on our new format

We would love to hear your feedback on this format and if you have anything you would like to share with us, please contact us at comms@orwell-housing.co.uk

Have a great week! 

This Week At Orwell 230707

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