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Benefits Financial Support and Guidance

Here are just a few things you may find helpful to know during these difficult and sometimes confusing times.

Posted by: | 24th September 2020
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Here are just a few things you may find helpful to know during these difficult and sometimes confusing times.

  • Help with the 5-week waiting time for those being moving onto Universal Credit (UC).
  • Struggling to keep your rent arrears down? A discretionary housing payment (DHP) could help.
  • Making your first application for Universal Credit? There is support available through the ‘Help to Claim Scheme’

For more information and help with these, or any other benefits related queries you can contact Orwell’s Welfare Reform Officer Danielle Porter Tel   01473   228652 Email danielle.porter@orwell-housing.co.uk


Benefits Financial Support and Guidance

Here are just a few things you may find helpful to know during these difficult and sometimes confusing times.


Help with the 5-week waiting time for those being moving onto Universal Credit (UC).

If you are in receipt of benefits and your circumstances change you will be moved on to UC.  For those who are currently on JSA/ESA or Income Support you can now get an extra2 weeks of payments if you’re still eligible for the benefit. There is also further support available during this waiting time.  Visit Citizens Advice  https://www.citizensadvice.org.uk/benefits/universal-credit/before-you-apply/moving-to-universal-credit-from-other-benefits/


Struggling to keep your rent arrears down?

A discretionary housing payment (DHP) is an extra payment made by your local council you can apply for if you're struggling to pay rent. You don't need to repay a DHP so if you need help with your arrears find out about applying here -  https://england.shelter.org.uk/housing_advice/benefits/discretionary_housing_payments_dhp?gclid=EAIaIQobChMIiIDykovo6wIVA7DtCh3HVg-VEAAYASAAEgLEW_D_BwE


Making your first application for Universal Credit?

There is support available through the ‘Help to Claim Scheme’ https://www.citizensadvice.org.uk/about-us/contact-us/contact-us/help-to-claim/

The Help to Claim advisers can help you with the early stages of your Universal Credit claim. You can talk to them on the phone or online over chat or face-to-face.

CAB advisers can help you:

  • work out if you can get Universal Credit
  • fill in the Universal Credit application
  • prepare for your first Jobcentre appointment
  • check your first payment is correct

You can read CABs online advice on Universal Credit at any time.’

‘You can contact an adviser on the FREE helpline between 8am to 6pm, Monday to Friday:

England: 0800 144 8 444’

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