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Funding successful to improve energy efficiency for hundreds of homes

Independent East*, an informal alliance of housing associations based in Norfolk and Suffolk, has secured almost £9m in funding to boost energy efficiency in hundreds of social housing homes. The funding is being administered through Broadlands Housing Association, as the group lead. The funding from Wave 2 of the government’s Social Housing Decarbonisation Fund (SHDF Wave 2.1) will mean energy-saving measures can be put in place in 800 homes such as loft insulation and new windows. The upgrades will mean homes currently below Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) C will be brought up to that standard and will help to:

  • Deliver warm, energy efficient homes
  • Reduce carbon emissions
  • Tackle fuel poverty
  • Support green jobs
  • Develop the retrofit sector
  • Improve the comfort, health, and wellbeing of tenants

Orwell’s allocation of funding will be spent on upgrading 106 homes to achieve an EPC “C” rating, with improvements comprising of new windows, heating systems, external wall insulation and ventilation changes.

Steven Crissall, Assistant Director of Property and Construction at Orwell, said: "We are extremely pleased to have successfully received this funding working in partnership with our Independent East partners. These improvement works will make a big difference to our customers, providing more efficient, warmer homes. Ensuring our portfolio is sustainable, efficient and fit for the future is a priority together with a reduction in carbon emissions for our housing stock."

The funding breakdown between the housing associations is as follows:  

  • Saffron Housing Trust = £4,733.094.29
  • Broadland Housing = £815,913.61
  • Freebridge Housing = £1,323,005.06
  • Havebury Housing Partnership = £1,295,148.72
  • Orwell Housing = £819,311.71

Alongside this, each organisation will match their funding from their own budgets.

* Independent East is an informal alliance of five community‐focused housing associations in the East of England – Broadland Housing, Freebridge Community Housing, Havebury Housing Partnership, Saffron Housing Trust and Orwell Housing Association. The group’s purpose is to share ideas and best practice to continually improve services and better the lives of their tenants.

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