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Orwell joins campaign against domestic violence

As the White Ribbon campaign for 2020 comes to a close, Orwell continues to support those affected by domestic abuse.

Posted by: Rosie Porter | 10th December 2020
HEAR Pledge

As this year’s White Ribbon campaign comes to a close, Orwell Housing Association continues to demonstrate its ongoing commitment to end domestic violence. We have now made a pledge to support employees who might be affected by domestic abuse, by joining the HEAR campaign. Set up by Norfolk County Council the campaign asks employers to look at ways of supporting staff.


Every employer has a duty to provide access to organisations who can help employees. 

We will ensure colleagues affected by domestic abuse are given access to the right specialist support.


Every employer should ensure the right training is provided.

We will make sure the right training is provided to staff to know what steps to take to support colleagues.


Every employer has a responsibility to be aware of domestic abuse.

We will not tolerate domestic abuse in any form and will provide a supportive workplace for colleagues who experience such abuse.


Every employer should ensure the right policies are in place to respond to domestic abuse.

We will review our policies and processes and ensure they are implemented correctly.

Find out more about Orwell’s services to support those affected by domestic abuse here.

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