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Thirty one new homes for people in Lowestoft

Orwell Housing has purchased land in Lowestoft for the construction of 31 new homes

Posted by: | 17th March 2021
Alexandra Road Visuals 21.08.20 2

Orwell Housing Association has today secured the purchase of land in Lowestoft with planning approval to build 31 new affordable rented flats with car parking.

The flats which are to be built in the St Peter’s Street / Alexandra Road area, will provide much needed accommodation for local people in the heart of the town.  The land which currently lies derelict, was the former site for Lowestoft Tool Hire, and will now be completely redeveloped.

Orwell have appointed Wellington Construction Ltd as their construction partner and plans are in place to start on site later this spring.

The project has been supported by East Suffolk Council and has also been made possible by some funding from Homes England.

Greg Dodds, Assistant Director of Development and Growth, said: “We’re really pleased to have the opportunity to develop this area of disused land into something of real benefit to local people, and of great value to the town.”

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