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This Week at Orwell - 4th April 2023

Tuesday 4th April 2023

Hi there and welcome to This Week at Orwell. Recently we received feedback from our ORG (Orwell Residents Group), around what they thought about the newsletter format and if there's anything else that we could do to improve that. We decided to provide this news update through video. So, with that in mind, here is a recap of news stories around the Orwell community this week.


Morrisons free breakfast

This week we learned that Morrisons collaborated with Kelloggs and are now offering free bowls of cereal for families in Morrisons café’s until the 24th of April. Make sure you show up before 11:00 AM and ask for a Kelloggs breakfast.


Get involved with the Orwell Residents Group

We are always looking for new members of our Orwell Residents Group, if you haven't come across the term ORG before, they are a residents group that meet every so often and talk about what's going on at Orwell. They then feedback to us on certain things like this newsletter for instance. Things that can make a positive change at Orwell. We would really like more people in the Orwell community to get involved and even if you can’t commit to spending time with the ORG, we are looking for people to help with surveys and various other things that can help shape Orwell’s future. If you are interested please drop us an e-mail at comms@orwell-housing.co.uk


Annual Report

We have just released our latest annual report. You can find that over on our website with a host of various other documents including strategic plans and environmental reports. If you are interested please head to our website using the link below. https://www.orwell-housing.co.uk/about-us/publications/


Recruitment at Orwell

Recruitment is going really well at present. We've got some really great opportunities that have opened over the past week including a concierge role at Christchurch House and some great opportunities for care assistants and cleaning positions as well.

So if you are interested in joining Orwell and possibly looking for a new challenge, get in touch with our talent team by e-mailing them at

Gardening News

Our annual gardening competition has been a great success. Last year we had lots of people that come forward. The good news is we're bringing that back for 2023. We are preparing everything at the moment but information will be coming out soon so keep an eye or an ear out!

Also, we are currently promoting the rewilding project at Orwell. Deben View in Woodbridge have taken some of their space and giving a proportion of that back to our wildlife. For the full news article follow the link here to our website.


Also, The Suffolk Wildlife Trust are also looking for residential gardens to join the rewilding project. So if you've got any area of your residential garden, you would really love to give back to the wildlife, they'd love to hear from you. Follow the link below to contact the Wildlife Group if you are interested.


Also, just a reminder that from April to August we will not be trimming hedges in the Orwell communities as this is the time local wildlife will be nesting. Please keep this in mind when tending to your gardens during this time.

Feedback on our new format

We would love to hear your feedback on this format and if you have anything you would like to share with us, please contact us at comms@orwell-housing.co.uk

Have a great Easter!

This Week At Orwell - Week 1

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